Preparation time 15 mins
Setting time - 2 hours or overnight
Serves 12
- 6 tbsp Golden Syrup
- 250g Soft Butter
- 600g Chocolate (broken into pieces, milk, dark or white)
- 300g Ginger Nuts
- 160g Mini Marshmallows
- 175g Raisins, Sultans, Glace Cherries, Maltesers
- 150g White Chocolates (Melted)
How to:
- Heat the butter, chocolate and syrup in a saucepan over a gentle heat. Take the pan off the heat, remove about a quarter of the mixture and keep for the topping.
- Crush the biscuits until some are crumbs but there are still pieces of biscuits left.
- Mix the biscuits, marshmallows and other ingredients together.
- Tip this mixture into a 20cm x 30cm baking tin and smooth the top.
- Pour the chocolate mixture you have saved over the top and spread out.
- Put in the fridge until it sets and swirl around white chocolate over the top in pretty patterns. Place back in the fridge to set (around 2 hours or overnight). To serve, cut into pieces.